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Top : Food : Co-ops & Grocery Stores

Food Conspiracy Co-op: Tucson, AZ -

Updated: 2012-08-22

Tucson, AZ Food Conspiracy is a natural foods market owned by its members and open to the public. Since 1971 we have been providing the highest quality natural and organic foods and products to the Tucson community. Our produce department is entirely organic, and we are committed to offering certified organic products whenever possible throughout the store. In addition to familiar staples, we enjoy continually rotating our grocery offerings and bringing in new products. Food Conspiracy also has the most extensive bulk selection in town. In alignment with our commitment to environmentalism, social justice, and education, we are constantly expanding our line of local, fair trade, and independently produced items. The Food Conspiracy is owned by approximately 1,500 members and operates on Fourth Avenue, Tucson’s most vibrant, pedestrian-friendly street. We are dedicated to sustaining the local economy by supporting neighboring businesses and donating money to area non-profits through our Cooperative Community Fund.

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Created by Foerstel Design: Committed to the Organic Community